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Hiring a person with a disability - Access an untapped pool of talent

Discover skilled and qualified Job Seekers through our network of disability specialists. They offer comprehensive support, training and resources to meet your workforce needs. Our Member Agencies excel in Job Matching to ensure they meet your needs.

Job Seeker Image - Click to learn more
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AccessibleNB - Accessibility Assessments and Support

Many persons with a disability face barriers in everyday life due to inaccessible transportation, services and communities. Accessibility includes the design of products, processes, services, environments and access to information and is crucial in ensuring all individuals are able to participate in society to the greatest extent possible without assistance. 

Click here to find out more:

Accessible NB

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Mentorability - Workplace Mentoring Experiences

MentorAbility Canada is a national initiative built on a supported employment foundation that promotes the recruitment, employment, and retention of people experiencing disability. The initiative provides and celebrates in-person and virtual mentoring experiences, networking and learning events, social media campaigns, as well as building a body of evidence through research activities.

Contact Marsha Hitchcock, our MentorAbility Coordinator mhitchcock@avenuenb.ca or 

Click here to find out more:


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RethinkAbility - Disability Awareness Training

Description: RethinkAbility is Disability awareness training that gives you the knowledge and tools you need to effect change in a meaningful way. This will help you support individuals with a disability, build a more inclusive community or workplace and provide equal opportunities for persons with a disability.

Click here to find out more:


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Job Coach Support - On-site Job Coach

Job Coaches can help employees with a disability reach their full potential in the workplace by providing on-site assistance. Whether the goal is to assist an employee in acquiring new skills, adapting to a changing work environment, or overcoming challenges, our Job Coaches are dedicated to offering person-centered guidance and tailored strategies. 

Click here to find a Member Agency in your region:

List of avenueNB Member Agencies